Der Klang des Herzens - Trailer
Gestern hab ich mich seit langem mal wieder mit nadine getroffen! Wir sind zusammen ins Kino in den sehr romantischen, musikalischen und emotionalen Film "der klang des herzens"! Es war echt toll.
Später sind wir zusammen mit ihrem Feund noch Dart spielen gegangen. Es hat echt viel Spaß gemacht!
*g* *glücklich bin*
my days
6:00h wecker klingelt, 6:10 wecker klingelt, 6:20 Wecker klingelt und ich steh auf, 6:45h lauf einen kilometer bis zur Bushaltestelle durch den Schnee, nehm den bus 7:03h komm 7:15 im Büro an, seh bis 12h nur noch zahlen, mittagspause: ess mein zwieback und meine tomaten, geh mit meinen 2 kolleginnen spazieren in der sonne wohlbemerkt! (normalerweise ist es dunkel wenn man ins geschäft kommt und wenn man rausgeht auch)bekomm eine liebe sms zur "halbzeit", seh von 13h bis 16:30h wieder nur zahlen und überraschenderweise als ich aus dem büro komm meine eltern und steffi mit balu, geh ins altenheim (steffi frägt nach einem praktikumsplatz) dann zum sportplatz und wir jagen balu durch die gegend und bewerfen papa mit schnee in nacken hihi, komm nach hause mach mir maultaschensuppe, check meine mails,versuch so ne frau anzurufen, räum wäsche auf, miste tonis käfig während ich ganz laut musik hör....
ja so sieht das zur zeit bei mir unter der woche aus und ich komm gar nicht mehr viel zum blogeintragschreiben. Jetzt weißte Bescheid! ;)
Have a nice evening!
-Juls :D
ja so sieht das zur zeit bei mir unter der woche aus und ich komm gar nicht mehr viel zum blogeintragschreiben. Jetzt weißte Bescheid! ;)
Have a nice evening!
-Juls :D
the week ENDS
Friday: visiting Berners finally! Playing the good night Bohnanza with the kids and as the kids were in bed playing Siedler and because we are so social and especially Doni, Gise won! ;)
Saturday: "Geländetag" with the Rangers! Preparing, grilling, acting ... Mr. Ehrlich who turned out to be dishonest trying to sell his cranky car...
Chocolart-festival in Tübingen with the two Steffis, Lissy, Yvi and Anja. It was fun tasting all different kinds of chocolate. And at the end we bought a big "Schokomann" which we took with us to the HSN in Altensteig. He was our only man but soooooooooo sweet :)
After the HSN while walking to the car in the night Lissy was singing: " Alles Unrecht muss sich beugen, während dein Volk vor dir FLIEHT...." and we were kidding her hihi was so funny....
I have booked my flight to the USA now and I'm going to fly 10th February coming back 2nd July... I also got my VISA, of wich I'm very proud and which lasts 10 years *g* so maybe.... we'll see ;)
have a nice second Advent Sunday!
Saturday: "Geländetag" with the Rangers! Preparing, grilling, acting ... Mr. Ehrlich who turned out to be dishonest trying to sell his cranky car...
Chocolart-festival in Tübingen with the two Steffis, Lissy, Yvi and Anja. It was fun tasting all different kinds of chocolate. And at the end we bought a big "Schokomann" which we took with us to the HSN in Altensteig. He was our only man but soooooooooo sweet :)
After the HSN while walking to the car in the night Lissy was singing: " Alles Unrecht muss sich beugen, während dein Volk vor dir FLIEHT...." and we were kidding her hihi was so funny....
I have booked my flight to the USA now and I'm going to fly 10th February coming back 2nd July... I also got my VISA, of wich I'm very proud and which lasts 10 years *g* so maybe.... we'll see ;)
have a nice second Advent Sunday!
The Secret to God's Provision
In Luke 12:31-32 Jesus tells us,
“But seek the kingdom of God….” (In Matthew 6:33, He said, “Seek first the kingdom of God…and all these things shall be added to you.”) “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
The secret to receiving God’s provision is to put God’s Kingdom first, then everything else will be added to you. That includes all the things you worry about and strive after. God promises He will add them to you.
I know for some people it is just too simplistic. It is just a childish notion to be brushed aside. But, to do so is a grave mistake. Never underestimate the power of obedience. When we obey God and get our priorities in line, it unlocks and releases incredible blessings in our life.
When we put the spiritual above the material, when we put the cause and the mission of God’s Kingdom before our own personal desires, it will cause things to be added to our lives.
I remember reading about J.L. Kraft. He began his business by selling cheese on the streets in Chicago, but failed miserably. One day a Christian friend told him, “J.L., you don’t have God first in your life, or in your business. Put Him first in all things you do, and you will see a different outcome.”
From that day on, he put God’s Kingdom first in every way and he built the largest cheese empire in the world.
First things first. Jesus said, “Do not worry. Just get your priorities in line, and God will take care of you.”
“But seek the kingdom of God….” (In Matthew 6:33, He said, “Seek first the kingdom of God…and all these things shall be added to you.”) “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
The secret to receiving God’s provision is to put God’s Kingdom first, then everything else will be added to you. That includes all the things you worry about and strive after. God promises He will add them to you.
I know for some people it is just too simplistic. It is just a childish notion to be brushed aside. But, to do so is a grave mistake. Never underestimate the power of obedience. When we obey God and get our priorities in line, it unlocks and releases incredible blessings in our life.
When we put the spiritual above the material, when we put the cause and the mission of God’s Kingdom before our own personal desires, it will cause things to be added to our lives.
I remember reading about J.L. Kraft. He began his business by selling cheese on the streets in Chicago, but failed miserably. One day a Christian friend told him, “J.L., you don’t have God first in your life, or in your business. Put Him first in all things you do, and you will see a different outcome.”
From that day on, he put God’s Kingdom first in every way and he built the largest cheese empire in the world.
First things first. Jesus said, “Do not worry. Just get your priorities in line, and God will take care of you.”
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