it's so cool and funny! a must see!
beim Päckchen packen und kommisioniern.... :)
Nur noch bis Donnerstag und dann werd ich nicht mehr "schaffen" gehen in der Heubergstrasse :(
Irgendwie auch traurig weils irgendwie schon Spaß macht, vorallem mit dem Sveni, dem Manni und der Evelyn .... Svenis Gesinge und Getanze, polnisch lernen und deutsch beibringen mit Evelyn und klar sich über die abnormalsten Männer lustig zu machen, die singen und rumtänzeln, oder sich mit den Staplern anrempeln und einfach nur Quatsch machen ;).... Und der "sensible"Manni der immer so neugierige Fragen stellt ;) oifach herrlich.... ich hab jetzt noch Muskelkater vom Lachen .... da ist es ja auch kein Wunder das man mal den Feierabend vergisst, ach ja :D
Irgendwie auch traurig weils irgendwie schon Spaß macht, vorallem mit dem Sveni, dem Manni und der Evelyn .... Svenis Gesinge und Getanze, polnisch lernen und deutsch beibringen mit Evelyn und klar sich über die abnormalsten Männer lustig zu machen, die singen und rumtänzeln, oder sich mit den Staplern anrempeln und einfach nur Quatsch machen ;).... Und der "sensible"Manni der immer so neugierige Fragen stellt ;) oifach herrlich.... ich hab jetzt noch Muskelkater vom Lachen .... da ist es ja auch kein Wunder das man mal den Feierabend vergisst, ach ja :D
something to think about....
People we feel difficult to love are mostly the people we need most to understand ourself.
Flatter me, and I may not believe you.
Criticize me, and I may not like you.
Ignore me, and I may not forgive you.
Encourage me, and I may not forget you.
Friendship is the true intention wishing the best for your friend.
It's not about sex, jalousy, greedynes, attachment, proudness and/or anger.
Further more it is the higher level of development you wish for your own.
Flatter me, and I may not believe you.
Criticize me, and I may not like you.
Ignore me, and I may not forgive you.
Encourage me, and I may not forget you.
Friendship is the true intention wishing the best for your friend.
It's not about sex, jalousy, greedynes, attachment, proudness and/or anger.
Further more it is the higher level of development you wish for your own.
When God Has Our Hearts
In Matthew 6:25-26, Jesus says,
Given the context of the preceding verses, Jesus is telling us that if God is first in our giving, then He indeed has our heart. If He has our hearts, He can guide us and meet our needs, and we have no need to worry about provision for our life.
He feeds the birds. He will take care of you. Do not worry. Obey Him, trust Him, and look to Him for your daily bread.
Matthew 6:33 says,
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Every time I breathe You seem a little bit closer
I never want to leave
I want to stay in Your warm embrace
Oh basking in the glory shining from Your face
And every time I get another glimpse of Your heart
I realize it's true
That You are so marvelous God
And I am so in love with You
Now how could I after knowing One so great
Respond to You in any way
That's less than all I have to give
But by Your grace I want to love You not with what
I say
But everyday
In a way that my life is lived
Everytime I breathe by big daddy weave
die Julchens allein zu zweit...

Mein Juls hat mich gestern zu sich in den tollsten Luftkurort von ganz Deutschland eingeladen! Es war echt herrlich die frische Luft mal wieder wenn man immer nur Stadtluft riecht. Aber das allerschönste war mein Juls zu knuddeln :)
Es war so schön endlich mal wieder ganz lang mit meinem Juls zu plaudern, das haben wir schon so lang nicht mehr gemacht gehabt ^^
nur der Abschied tat weh...
Was man in der Nacht alles so macht...
Habt ihr schon mal nen Hasen ohne Ohren gesehen? Also ich schon... Freitag um Punkt 20:30 h
oder seid um halb zwölf Uhr Nachts noch raus um Nightquatschpics auf der Straße zu machen? Freitag um Punkt 20:30 h
oder seid um halb zwölf Uhr Nachts noch raus um Nightquatschpics auf der Straße zu machen?
oder habt ihr schon mal bei Mitternacht im Winter in den Garten gestellt und euch mit eiskaltem Wasser übergossen?! *gg*
than see this!
than see this!
The Heart of the Issue
In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus deals with matters of the heart,
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
How do you lay up treasures in heaven? Jesus told the rich young ruler, “Sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.” So giving to help people, giving to the poor, giving to ministry, giving to God’s work instead of hoarding it up, giving to God—that is the way you lay treasure up in heaven.
But notice that Jesus goes on to say, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Jesus hasn’t really changed the subject. The heart of the issue is the heart. That is the theme of Jesus’ teaching.
A right heart attitude—a proper heart motive—is what God cares about most. That is true whether you are giving, you are praying, or you are fasting. He wants you to do these things for the right reasons. Those right reasons include your desire to help people. Your desire to express your love for God and His Kingdom. Those are the right reasons.
Jesus said, when you are motivated by the right reasons, you are laying up treasure in heaven. He says, “Where your treasure is (in heaven with God), there your heart will be also.”
His point? The heart of the issue is your heart.
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