ice-skating on Valentines' day

Jimmy was always trying to catch some snow for throwing it at Tony!

Natasha the first time on ice ^^

Jimy and me sitting in the van on the way home. He alwys wants me to sit next to him and we're trying to practise some german even if doesn't want to :) Well he will do good after one month of practising ;)

at "Macy's" in the fitting room. This is one dress I bought ^^ there is such a big variety, that's a real paradise for women ...

at the Mexican restaurantNatasha and Tony joking around...

Jim and Tanya and sweet Annie :)

sweet Anna baby

at the seal's beach

sight over San Diego


at the San Diego marines memorial

Veggietales!!!!!! I love those! I draw Bob the tomatoe and Super-Larry the cucumber for Jimmy ^^

Jimmy boy doing his grimace! oh boy

picnic on the beach

Natasha trying to catch her daddy ^^
2 Kommentare:
Soooooo goldig.
- Bin in Gedanken bei euch und wünsch euch ne super geniale Zeit.
- Wenn ich das so anschau, möcht ich am liebsten bei euch sein!
Hab euch alle ganz arg megas lieb!
voll goldig!!!
Ich freu mich dass es dir gut geht und du die Zeit so rivhtig genießen kannst.hoffe es bleibt auch so!
Miss You! Lissy
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